Most often, the mind loves to hang out in the future, trying to arrange things to be a certain way, or in the past, worrying about events.
Kids Mindfulness provides your child with a creative and extensive tool kit to bring them back to present moment and live life to its fullest range of their capacity and resources for learning, growing and adventuring.
Blowing pinwheels, blowing bubbles and blowing through a straw to make pompoms move are great ways for children to be playful, whilst focusing on their breath. A slow, steady breath is required to complete these tasks, which is why I enjoy using these fun breathing exercises so much!
The guided meditations are such a great way for children to relieve stress and develop and sustain a positive attitude towards their self-esteem. A loving, soothing voice with a calming background music will guide your child to relax and engage their imagination in these relaxing stories.
Want to listen to a wide range of Kids Meditations designed specifically for children aged 4 to 11? Subscribe to Follow the Rainbow’s news and receive exclusive and FREE content for your child to use at home!
As well as offering fast and active play with fun warm-ups and exciting yoga games, Kids Yoga & Mindfulness also offers children quiet more focused time. Creating patterns and mandalas using different resources (such as pompoms, stickers, coins, etc) allows children to develop a heightened awareness to the body but also to their mind and thoughts and feelings that arise.